Award Category - Most Promising Talent

Introduction - Trilok Kumar is a BA 3rd year student from P D K J College, Madhubani, Bihar

Achievement - Literary potential and publishing The Online Earning Blueprint and Srijan

Authors are aptly called the weavers of words, and the architects of emotions. They use words like paintbrushes and craft stories that light up the human experience. From the quiet observations of a poet to the whirlwind adventures that are spun by a novelist, authors have the power to transport us to new realities, challenge our perspectives, and leave an indelible mark on our souls.

One such author is Trilok Kumar, who is known for his notable books, including "The Online Earning Blueprint" and "Srijan."

The Online Earning BluePrint

Trilok wrote the "The Online Earning Blueprint" which serves as a comprehensive guide for those eager to explore online money-making opportunities. This book presents a roadmap to navigate the exciting world of online income generation, and helps with the knowledge and tools to build a thriving online business and unlock passive income streams. The book employs various strategies such as step-by-step approach, actionable strategies and ways to focus on passive income building. 

Srijan (Collection of Poems)

"Srijan," a collection of poems is co-authored by Trilok Kumar and Om Babu and explores themes of creation, encompassing art, nature, and the human experience. The style and form of the poems may vary, but the overarching focus lies on the power and beauty inherent in the act of creation.


Trilok Kumar has achieved recognition on the global stage. He has been shortlisted among the Top 100 prodigies worldwide and served as a delegate at the Asia World Model United Nations Virtual Conference from 27th to 29th August 2021. 

As an official participant in 'GWR,' 'MBR,' and 'WBR,' Trilok Kumar's name has been approved for the NCA 100 Rising Author and Educationist. Trilok has also earned a badge from CertiProf and was selected for India Prime Top 100 Authors and Researchers in 2022.

Trilok Kumar's accomplishments extend to being chosen for the Harvard-Youth Change the World Workshop, featuring 100 students from 6 different countries, 37 cities, and 43 schools. Additionally, he joined the Future Leaders Model United Nations in Istanbul, Turkey, from 4th to 7th March 2022. 

As a co-author of works such as Euphoria, Dreams, Wanderlust, Mind Maze, Royal, Poem and Short Stories, Leaves and Thorns, Trilok Kumar has been recognised with the International Social Honourable Award and nominated for the Global Citizen Prize: Cisco Youth Leadership Award.

His achievements also include being selected as a delegate for the Arab Youth International MUN 2022. Further, he was acknowledged as one of the 100 powerful personalities in 2022 by Glantor X Media

He holds recognition from the National Book of Records and is an India Book of Record Holder. Trilok Kumar's nomination for India Top 100 Educators 2022 and the recommendation for an Honorary doctorate by the India Book of Records highlight his extraordinary achievements.

Under the title of "राष्ट्रीय रत्न सम्मान-2022" - Youngest Writer, Trilok Kumar continues to shine. Trilok was also selected for the Harvard Youth YLC Conference 2023 and the National Writing Contest - October Edition || The Worslingers.

Additionally, he has been chosen as the delegate for the Istanbul International Model United Nations in 2023, endorsed by the organising committee Neoterican LLC. Trilok Kumar also holds the title of FOX STORY INDIA 50 under 50 Quality leader

Trilok Kumar is a finalist for Most Promising Talent because of his literary talent for both prose and verse along with leadership potential.

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