• Award Category: Most Promising Literary Talent
  • Introduction: Aamir P is a final year student at Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai
  • Achievement: During the lockdown, Aamir P channelled his energy into penning thought-provoking books that all generations can relate to. He has also published children’s storybooks with deep morals.

The COVID-induced lockdown brought both struggles and silver linings. The sudden transformation adversely impacted the world, but some of us channelized our energies to bring out our hidden talents.

Aamir P, a final year engineering student, is one such student who looked at the brighter side and utilized his writing skills constructively. He began his writing journey with “Useful Articles and Thoughts”, his first published title available on Amazon. So far, he has published 13 books and is working on others. 

His writing Journey

At the young age of eight when most children are on the blurry lines of middle childhood, Aamir identified his passion for writing. Every time he felt unhappy or low, he journalled his feelings, and over the years, pen and paper became his best friends.

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His first title

It wasn’t until 2020 that Aamir thought of penning a book. He published his very first book through Amazon during the lockdown. The book titled “Useful Articles and Thoughts” claims to make you think and provides free advice to individuals of all ages. It was received well by the audience and this motivated Aamir to write more.

Click Here to Check out Books Authored by Aamir P

His Achievements

Over the course of two years, Aamir has written 13 books in all. While his first two books offered valuable advice to people of all ages, the others are children’s books. With a belief that values inculcated at an early age shape each individual’s lifelong development, Aamir started writing short stories with deep morals. 

Creative use of social media

Apart from writing thoughtful books, Aamir has very creatively used his social media account. While people of his age share memes, Aamir posts wise words to provide people with a positive feed on LinkedIn. His optimism and positive outlook towards situations have inspired many on social media where people appreciate his writings and thoughts.

Aamir is a finalist for Most Promising Literary Talent because… at a young age, he has been able to maturely reflect on life and share optimism and life lessons that younger generations can relate to. His social media posts and the engagement that they generate are a mute testimony of the positivity he spreads through his written words.

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