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Educational Leaders

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Outstanding Educational Leader

This category will recognise 3 educational leaders (Principals/Heads of Institutions) who demonstrated excellence in educational leadership during the pandemic


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Most Innovative Teaching Method

An initiative that made teaching or learning easier for the educators or students.

Best Initiative (For Children with Special Needs [CWSN])

An initiative that benefitted those with either physical or learning disabilities.

Most Innovative use of Science & Technology

An initiative that made innovative use of science & tech to solve an everyday problem

Best Initiative (Using Social Media)

An initiative that made use of social media to make a significant contribution in improving learning outcomes.

Best Initiative (For Grassroots Service)

An initiative that benefitted educators or students from the economically weaker or disadvantaged section of the society.

Best Initiative (Edutainment – Making Learning Fun)

An initiative that made learning fun and interactive while retaining the academic benefits.

Best Initiative (For Mental Health Awareness)

An initiative that significantly raised awareness or provided solutions for improved mental health.


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Most Innovative Educational Project

A project or initiative that demonstrated innovation and out of the box thinking in an academic context.

Most Socially-Relevant Initiative

A socially relevant initiative that demonstrated active involvement with a social cause and produced measurable results.

Most Creative Use of Social Media

A project/initiative/campaign that made the most effective use of social media in a meaningful way for constructive results.

Special Award (Popular Choice)

Any other significant academic or extracurricular achievement during the lockdown which demonstrates outstanding initiative, significant presence of mind or leadership potential.

Most Creative Online Initiative

An initiative that demonstrated exceptional creativity during the lockdown

Best Use of Science & Technology

A project or initiative that made innovative use of science & tech for a practical and useful application in daily life.

Most Promising Literary Talent

Any work or series of work that demonstrated literary brilliance in either text or audio/visual format.