The 5th Edition of Jagran Josh Education Awards is back with a vision, celebrating excellence in education while embracing the future. Aligned with Tech4Good and the National Education Policy (NEP 2020), this edition introduces exciting new award categories that recognize the transformative role of technology in shaping education.

Join us as we honor innovation, leadership, and excellence in education, bringing together visionaries, policymakers, and industry experts to drive conversations that matter.

EduFuture 5.0:

Innovation, Inclusion & Impact

This theme encapsulates the 5th edition’s focus on technology-driven education (Tech4Good), the transformative impact of NEP 2020, and the future of learning with a strong emphasis on innovation, accessibility, and real-world application.

Education Awards Season 4 - Highlights

Chief Guest




Events Highlights


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Educational Leaders

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Outstanding Educational Leader

This category will recognize 3 educational leaders (Principals/Heads of Institutions) who thought differently and demonstrated excellence in educational leadership. [The ‘difference’ can be made while championing a cause, affecting change at scale, setting an industry standard or displaying pioneering innovation]


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Best Incorporation of an NEP 2020 Recommendation

An initiative that made effective use of a National Education Policy(NEP 2020) recommendation.

Best Initiative (Mental Health)

An initiative that significantly raised awareness or provided solutions for improved mental health

Most Innovative Teaching Method

An initiative that made teaching or learning easier for the educators or students.

Most Innovative use of Science & Technology

An initiative that made innovative use of science & tech to solve an everyday problem

Best Initiative (Community Service)

An initiative that benefited educators or students from the economically weaker or disadvantaged section of the society.


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Most Innovative Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A project or initiative that made innovative use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom or for practical use in daily life.

Most Innovative Use of Robotics

A project or initiative that made innovative use of Robotics in the classroom or for practical use in daily life.

Most Innovative Educational Project

A project or initiative that demonstrated innovation and out of the box thinking in an academic context.

Most Socially-Relevant Initiative

A socially relevant initiative that demonstrated active involvement with a social cause and produced measurable results.

Most Promising Talent

Any work or series of work that demonstrated creative talent (entries can include published works, original photograph, painting, recorded musical composition or performance

Special Awards

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These awards will recognize accomplishments in the institutional or start-up framework and will be chosen editorially at JNM.

Judges’ Choice Awards

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In addition to the above nomination-based categories, JagranJosh Summit and Awards will have a special category of awards for the students. These will involve an interaction/question answer round with the judges during the event where winners will be chosen on the spot based on their responses (reflecting intelligence and presence of mind).

Nomination Process

Awards Winners

Benefits for theAward Winners

  • Recognition in the form of Award Trophy and Certificate by India’s #1 Education Portal – JagranJosh.com (23 Million + Unique Users/month. Source: ComScore October '23)
  • Names of the awardees will be widely published in Jagran New Media group websites (73 Million + Unique Users/month. Source: ComScore October '23) and all social platforms.


Why these awards?

JagranJosh Education Awards were conceptualized in the midst of COVID-19 induced lockdown during which time, the Educational leaders, Teachers and Students went beyond the mile to prove the famous quote by Nelson Mandela - Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.

Season 1 of the Awards celebrated these very key stakeholders in the education ecosystem who were unstoppable despite the Pandemic. In subsequent seasons (2 and 3) the winners were, not surprisingly, those who adapted to the New Normal and came back stronger with sterling examples of innovation and creativity. In Season 4, we take forward this legacy with some new categories aligned with Tech4Good and NEP 2020.

Above all, JagranJosh Education Awards continue to celebrate the spirit of change makers who go the extra mile to create stories that inspire the future generations.

Why should I go for this award?

JagranJosh Education Awards are decided by a prestigious jury’s decision. Winning these awards means being part of a select league of students and educators of high calibre & repute.

What is the probability of getting selected for these awards?

These awards celebrate pioneering achievements of students and teachers who displayed exceptional creativity and innovation. Hence we encourage you to apply if you think you fulfil the requirements in any given category. Selection is purely merit based.

What are the steps involved in the Selection Process?

First you have to register on the website or send an email as per the nomination process. Your entry will be reviewed editorially and, if accepted, you will hear from us about the next steps. Nominations will be shortlisted and shared with the Jury. The jury will decide the final winners who will receive the award trophy and certificate in a glittering awards ceremony.

Can I Apply For Season 4 If I Also Applied for previous Seasons?

Yes, if you applied for any of the previous Seasons but could not win, then you’re encouraged to apply for Season 4.

What if there is more than one deserving candidate in a given category?

The jury’s decision will be final in this regard.

Are there any fees for nomination?

There are no fees for nominations in any category. JNM reserves the right to accept/decline any nomination based on the criteria mentioned.

Does nomination guarantee my inclusion?

Please note that completing this nomination survey, while required for award consideration, does not guarantee the Nominee's inclusion. Inclusion is subject to meeting certain criteria consistent with the mission, objectives, and policies of JNM. The information you enter is also subject to editing for style, accuracy, or other reasons.